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Tiago Sobral Cunha
They will live for a long time, these time travellers from the stars. Seed carriers forged in fire and shaped by time, the rocks hold earth's memory. Unchanging presence and silent sentinels of the ever-changing landscapes they stand in the waterfront, anchored in the present's grace.
Dans la belle ville de Verteuil-sur-Charente, lorsque la nuit tombe pendant les jours les plus chauds de l'été et que tous vont se coucher, les poissons se rassemblent, quittent la rivière et, en de petits sauts maladroits, partent à la chasse aux lucioles imprudentes. Après la chasse, ils retourneront dans les eaux munis de leurs petites lanternes, pour aider une fois de plus la méchante vieille Verteuil à chercher son dernier dent, perdue il y a si longtemps dans le fleuve Charente.
If you decide to take a path inside a leaf you'll find no signs for directions there, and soon you will be lost inside it
A April’s week in all their glory, bluebells bloom in Hallerbos
Le printemps au vallon des enfants noyés
In the low lands, we often have the impression that the clear blue lakes are the sea emerging from the ground
Dawn at the remains of Ibn Qasi's ribat
January in Tervuren
Better not to loose oneself on the way to who knows where
Picture a man’s solitary stroll along a sandy seaside, near sunset and just a short time after low tide. He finds a perfecly builded sandcastle that he climbs to sit and there watch the shifting edge of the sea. He feels the strangeness of this frontier, and thinks of the waters as of moving thoughts, rehearsing shapes that are the language of a very ancient world.
A japanese acer in Tervuren's glorious autumn
After nine months of work this book was born in Mafra in a house called Cafilesa, with 560 pages and weighing 5.15 kilograms
My brother's new book, with a beautiful photo by Rita Pinto
در حالی که زیبا محدود است ، متعالی نامحدود است ، به طوری که ذهن در حضور والا ، سعی در تصور آنچه نمی تواند داشته باشد ، در شکست احساس درد می کند اما از تأمل در بی حد و حصر تلاش لذت می برد.
On n'a peur que d'une chose, que le ciel nous tombe sur la tête!
Backbone dock at Arieu Zarrac, the western tip of the iberian colony of Atlantis
Count of Egmont Lamoral is back from a long journey of which we know nothing about – and so we made this image from a few other ones to figure it out. The ten images composing it are from the Rijksmuseum and the original portrait of Lamoral is by Simon van de Passe
Walzin castle over the river Lesse, Namur province.
There's a universe in a fireplace. As a match is lit the ancient fire is reborn, and while grounded it will go up to rehearse in very fast and complex constructions the possible forms of everything that exists. And if the eyes are steady enough in this black garden we'll see the blooming of some strange night flowers.
Leonor’s hair is a complex system with delicate ramifications that undulate by the influence of humor and wind
Sand formations reproducing the moving sea at Schiermonnikoog
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